Bot Commands

Configurations background

The ADayZBot provides various commands to interact with game mechanics, manage bases, and view player statistics.

Players can interact with the bot:

  • In the private chat with the bot: the bot always writes you when you log-in, and you can issue some commands to the bot in the private channel
  • In the public log channel: the bot writes in this channel and players can interact with the bot using commands.

Here's a comprehensive list of available commands:

General Commands

  • !help: Lists all available bot commands
  • !help bm: Lists all base management commands

Player Statistics

  • !life: Shows the current life start and duration
  • !lives: Shows the history of lives


  • !leaderboard life: Shows the 10 survivors who survived the longest in a single life
  • !leaderboard deaths: Shows the 10 survivors who died the most

Base Management

Use !base_management or !bm for the following commands:

  • !bm all_categories or !bm all_c: List all available recipe categories
  • !bm all_recipes or !bm all_r: List all recipes
  • !bm all_r <category_name>: List recipes in a specific category
  • !bm build <recipe_name>: Build a specific recipe (must be within 2m of the base's Flag Pole)

Note: Most base management commands are only available to players within 2 meters of the Base's Flag Pole.

Usage Notes

  1. Commands can be sent in a direct message to @AlternateDayZBOT or issued in the ⁠🤖adayz-public-logs channel for everyone to see.
  2. Some commands may have a delay of up to 10 minutes due to server log update intervals.
  3. For base management commands, ensure you're in the correct position relative to your base's Flag Pole.

For more information on specific game mechanics, please refer to the relevant documentation sections: