Crafting and Resources

Configurations background

Materials from Loot

Most materials keep their names when added to a base. However, some items are translated into more generally named resources:

Loot ItemResource Name (Quantity)
FlaregunGunFlare (1)
MakarovIJ70, CZ61Gun380 (1)
CZ75, Glock19, MP5KGun919 (1)
Colt1911, Engraved1911, FNX45, UMP45Gun45 (1)
Deagle, Deagle_Gold, Derringer (any color), MagnumGun357 (1)
Ammo_Flare, RoadflareFlare (1)
BarrelScrap (100)
TripodScrap (3)
CanOpener, LockpickScrap (1)
MetalPlateScrap (5)
Car/truck parts (hood, door, trunk)Scrap (30)
Car/truck wheelChem (20)
Battery9VChem (1)

Crafting Process

  1. Ensure you have the necessary materials in your base (see Base System for details on adding materials).
  2. Stand within 2 meters of your base's Flag Pole.
  3. Use the command !base_management build <recipe_name> or !bm build <recipe_name>.
  4. The item will be crafted and appear next to the workshop after the next server restart.

For a full list of recipes and categories, use the following commands:

  • !bm all_categories or !bm all_c: List all recipe categories
  • !bm all_recipes or !bm all_r: List all recipes
  • !bm all_r <category_name>: List recipes in a specific category

Remember that due to technical limitations, crafted items will only appear after a server restart. Avoid crafting items within 10 minutes of a scheduled restart to prevent potential loss of materials.